
Posts Tagged ‘happy’

I live a charmed life, and am deeply grateful for it ☀ However, this past weekend, in the scope of my life’s other weekends, was quite unhappy, and felt even more so by the relentless SoCal sunshine, mocking me as I fought illness and shuffled through stacks of notes ☀ I was up to my eyeballs in schoolwork and preparation for the LSAT, my best friend/boyfriend was out of town, and I awoke Saturday morning with a fever ☀ I sucked it up and went to work anyway, but became head-spinningly sicker as a result, and (I think) lost my much-enjoyed job, because I tried to call in Sunday ☀The one bright, tropical-sunshiney spot of my weekend came in the form of a wonderful lunch enjoyed with one of my best girlfriends… which ended ever-so-sweetly with this sumptuous dessert ☀

The Semi-Frio, an Asia de Cuba masterpiece

I mentioned Asia de Cuba a while back, as the posh LA spot where I enjoyed one of the best meals of 2009. My friend Mary and I went back last Friday, and devoured essentially the same drool-worthy dishes we enjoyed back in September. This time, though, we saved room for dessert, and the Semi-Frio did not disappoint.

Having been mostly off-island for the past two years, I’m rarely homesick for St. Croix any more. Largely, I’ve moved on. The colorful pile of fruity goodness atop this plate, though, triggered within me a longing to be closer to the equator, on that lethargic, breathtakingly wild-and-beautiful rock in the Caribbean sea. ☀ The shamelessly creamy texture and zingy flavor of the frozen lime cream cheese custard, took me home to my favorite dessert, possibly in the whole world– frozen key lime pie at Christiansted hole-in-the-wall, Savant. The guava-passionfruit shaved ice accompaniment, served in a champagne glass, time-warped me to Ag Fair days in high school, slurping up passionfruit Fracos (like Sno Cones, but so much better), served from the back of the Fraco Man’s truck. And with gorgeously fresh mango and kiwi bits… every bite was a twinkling fragment of tropical heaven. ☀ I suppose with such a magnificent, indulgent Friday, it was only to keep my life’s karma balanced that the rest of my weekend was gloomy ☀

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Hello, friends!

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the posting-drought I have inflicted on this poor little blog. I can explain, though. Like many collegiate females in North America, I’m a member of a sorority. I adore Alpha Phi and all of my sisters in it, and am prouder than ever to be a member, especially with our flock of beautiful new pledges! However, in order to help recruit these amazing Baby Phis, I basically tossed what little spare time I had into the black hole known as Rush Week, hence the Hungry Herbivore neglect. It’s all over now, though, and I did manage to do some cooking over the past couple of weeks, despite not having time to write about it. That being said, keep checking back; I plan to post a slew of new recipes over the next few days.

Tonight, in my wee block of time between class and Alpha Phi festivities, I may have engineered the ultimate vegan comfort food. Its inspiration is the lovechild of a Penne Giardeniera I devoured frequently at Carluccio’s in London and this zucchini-based pasta which I made a version of the other night. Maybe I’m a cocky chef for saying so, but really, this pasta is bomb. It’s creamless yet somehow creamy with loads of flavor and just enough heat.. perfect after a class-filled, sleep-deprived Monday. Here’s how to make it!

Kickin’ Comfort Pasta

(serves one really hungry person, like me tonight, or two normal people)



-whole wheat thin spaghetti

-about 2 tbsp total Smart Balance Light

-3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

-1 vegetable bouillon cube, ground up into powder (using either a spoon or mortar and pestle, if you’re lucky enough to have one. I know I’m not. Bummer.)

-1 Serrano chili, chopped with about half of the seeds removed (or you can leave them all in if you want it really spicy!)

-1 small zucchini, cut into half moons

-about 1 cup of fresh, washed spinach

-Tony Chachere’s to season! One of my friends I lived with in London got me completely hooked on this amazing Cajun seasoning, and the addiction is yet to dissipate. Sprinkle it in gradually as you cook and sprinkle on top of this dish (as well as pretty much anything) before you eat it! I literally put it in almost everything lately; it’s probably more used in my kitchen than salt and pepper.

oh Tony, you really are the main man in my life right now

oh Tony, you really are the main man in my life right now


Prepare the noodles as directed on the box (al dente is best). In a medium saucepan, melt the first tablespoon or so of Smart Balance. Once it reaches sizzling point (meaning tiny bubbles are beginning to rise to the surface of the liquid), add the garlic and chili. Let sautee for about 2-3 minutes, or until the garlic begins to turn translucent, then add the bouillion cube, as well as about two tbsp of water. Let the liquid in the pan begin to look a bit thick and pasty, then add the zucchini and spinach, as well as the second tablespoon of Smart Balance. Let the Smart Balance melt to cook the spinach and zucchini, then add another 1/4 cup or so of water. If the contents of your pan look weird and goopy, don’t worry (be happy)! They’re supposed to.

that's about right. mmmm.

that's about right. mmmm. smells divine.

Turn up the heat, and let reduce until it’s a thick sauce, but not so thick that it won’t be able to cover and flavor the noodles as it should. Then, you’re finished!


This pasta is best enjoyed on the couch, in a state of total, exhausted, post-Rush relaxation. Or in bed. But I have white bamboo sheets. I wish I could give the world bamboo sheets; they’re the softest things ever and they’re good for Mother Earth!

Keep checking back this week! Many more to come. Have a delicious day! =)

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